Arthur C Clarke Institute for Modern Technologies
The Arthur C Clarke Institute for Modern Technologies (ACCIMT) has initiated a number of projects to assist the on-going Covid-19 mitigation activities of the country. Those technology solutions were developed in keeping with the needs identified during ACCIMT’s interactions with the health authorities and medical professionals to discuss possible technology contributions by the institute.
Given below are some of those technology contributions:
This product was developed in response to multiple requests received from several key government hospitals involved in treating Covid-19 patients, during ACCIMT’s interactions with the medical professionals there. The product is designed to enable extraction of testing-samples by medical staff with no risk of physical contact with the patients, or the persons suspected to be infected. The first unit developed by the ACCIMT was delivered to IDH on April 07, and five more units with some improvements were fabricated and provided to Homagama, Sri Jayewardenepura and Mulleriyawa Hospitals during April 22-26. The product has been found to be immensely useful for the purpose by the hospitals concerned.
The pictures show those safe-chambers being received by medical staff of the respective hospitals, including Dr. Rathnasiri Hewage, Director of Sri Jayewardenepura Hospital; and also ‘the product in use’ at the hospitals.
This project was initiated based on requests received from Ragama and Sri Jayewardenepura hospitals. Covid-19 is a respiratory disease and it can be transmitted through air, especially in closed room environments. The proposed system would refresh the air inside ICU with fresh air in real-time, with the help of suitable sensors, additional electronic circuitry and rapid centrifugal air ventilation through blowing. The proposed system uses a germ killing filtering process prior to blowing out air into the atmosphere. The system design has been completed, and fabrication and installation would be available for any desired hospital, on request.
As per a request received from the provincial health authorities of Colombo Region, the ACCIMT developed a Mobile-App with a complete back-end data base system to facilitate on-site inspection and monitoring of compliance with the Covid-19 safety-guidelines by organizations while undertaking their business and service functions.
The pilot-testing of the product is in progress by the office of the regional director of health services, Colombo. Once operational, the ACCIMT will be ready to provide the product to health authorities for use throughout the country, as required.
The ACCIMT initiated this vital project with a view to developing a Covid-19 testing apparatus, as a lower cost, faster-response, more flexible and field-usable alternative to RT-PCR test apparatus. The process adapted would be similar to RT-PCR, and instead of using thermal cycling for reacting with the viral DNA, the proposed process uses amplification of Viral DNA in a constant temperature range.
The development is undertaken as a joint project of the ACCIMT, with an external expert with specialization in bio-medical engineering as the partner, with a team of ACCIMT engineers working on the project.
The ACCIMT has planned a programme, and offered to the Department of Health, to provide on request the services its highly skilled and dedicated team of technical personnel to repair, or modify as necessary, various types of inoperative hospital equipment including PCR-test systems and medical ventilators.
Using the ACCIMT-developed and proven electronic control platform, the existing hospital beds can be automated for convenience of handling patients.
Based on a request received from an external client, the ACCIMT has developed a system to screen body temperature of employees of factories and other workplaces in a very efficient way adapting low cost units available in the market.