The electronics division carries out research and development projects, test and measurement services, consultancy services, hardware recovery and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) courses for the industry. The division mainly focuses on industry initiated R&D activities especially microcontroller based system designing, data logging & display systems, application of sensors, analog circuit design and power line data acquisition. The division also has several testing facilities to carry out testing as per national/international standards. Consultancy work is undertaken as per the requirement of the industry. The division also runs several CPD Courses to the industry. Hardware recoveries of test & measuring instruments/other sophisticated equipments/instruments are carried out by the division.
The division has successfully completed several R&D Projects and some of these technologies are ready for technology transfer.

Know-how & Expertise
- Micro-processor/ microcontroller based control system design
- Data logging and display systems
- Application of sensors and circuit designs
- Analog Circuit Design
- Power line data acquisition and logging system
- IoT system design
- Lightning protection
- Bio-Medical related product design
- Solar powered Lighting systems
- Automated wireless irrigation systems
- Power quality monitoring and analyzing

Centre for Lightning Protection
Arthur C Clarke Institute for Modern Technologies
Are You Affected by lightning?
Lightning is a probabilistic natural phenomenon which causes massive damages and losses to man, animals and infrastructure with its direct and indirect effects which can be minimized using adequate preventive protection methodologies such as utilization of Lightning and Surge protection systems and following safety precautions. Sri Lanka being a tropical country, experiences a high level of lightning activity which results in damages and losses to living beings and property every year, mainly due to lack of awareness, absence of regulations and adequate testing facilities in accordance with recognized national and international standards. The proposed Center for Lightning Protection at ACCIMT is aimed to fill that void, also focusing on the research and development in the field of lightning and surge protection in Sri Lanka.
Types of damages:-
- Injury of living beings
- Physical damage(due to fire, explosion, mechanical destruction, chemical release)
- Failure of electrical and electronic systems
Types of losses:-
- Loss of human life (and animal life)
- Loss of essential services (electricity, water, telecommunication etc.)
- Economic loss (structures, equipment etc.)

Sri Lanka being a tropical country situated near the equator experiences a high level of lightning activity compared to many other countries. Due to the geographical location, different regions of Sri Lanka are exposed to different levels of lightning activity over the year. By referring Figure 2, it can be seen that Sabaragamuwa, North-Western provinces and densely populated Western province fall into the region of high lightning risk.

Figure 2: Isokeraunic(lightning activity level) map of Sri Lanka
Statistics reveal that there are on average 40 deaths and hundreds of cases of injuries and damage to equipment and infrastructure resulted from lightning directly or indirectly annually in Sri Lanka. In most the occasions the damage could have been reduced if the victims were to follow safety precautions which include correct use of lightning protection equipment.
To minimize the lightning related damages and losses of living beings and property and reduce downtime of utility services caused by lightning
The Centre for Lightning Protection at ACCIMT was founded in 2018 with the following objectives.
- To minimize the damages and losses of living beings and property due to the effects of lightning.
- Standardization of Lightning Protection Systems in Sri Lanka.
- To expand consultancy and conformity testing and enhance Research & Development in the field of Lightning and Surge Protection according to standards. (IEC 62305, IEC 61643 etc.)
- To increase awareness on personal and equipment protection from lightning.
- Research & Development.
- Development of high performance surge absorber.
- Research on Ground Enhancing Materials.
- Establishment of a Lightning related event database in Sri Lanka.
- Evaluation of Economic impact of Lightning in Sri Lanka.
- Conformity testing
- Comprehensive testing of SPDs according to IEC 61643
- Surge Immunity testing
- Measurement
- Earth Resistance measurement
- Soil resistivity measurement
- Consultancy services on Lightning and Surge Protection Systems
- Designing of Lightning Protection Systems
- Standardized validation of LPS (IEC 62305)
- Training programs, Seminars and workshops on Lightning Protection
- 2 workshops successfully completed for 47 participants.
Consultancies for the design of external and internal lightning protection systems as per IEC 62305 standard.
- Police park, Thimbirigasaya.
- National holiday resort – Anuradhapura
- National holiday resort – Katharagama
- National holiday resort – Bandarawela
- National holiday resort – Nuwaraeliya
- Police Station – Awissawella
- Police Station – Kosgama
- Divisional Secretariat – Okewela, Modarawana
- Department of Probation & Child Care Services-Western Province-Makola Boys Home
- Department of Probation & Child Care Services-Western Province-Ranmuthugala Girls Home
- Police 119 Center – Mirihana.
- Special Task Force (Sri Lanka Police)-Akmeemana Camp
- Special Task Force (Sri Lanka Police)-Arugam Bay Camp
- Special Task Force (Sri Lanka Police)-Puttalam Camp
- Special Task Force (Sri Lanka Police)-Shasthrawela Camp
- Special Task Force (Sri Lanka Police)-Siyabalandiwa Camp
- Special Task Force (Sri Lanka Police)-Thirukkovil Camp
- Glenross Rubber Factory- Neboda.
- District Secretariat-Kegalle
- Government Base Hospital – Awissawella

The division carries out consultancies mainly focusing on the following areas;
- Power Quality measurements including harmonic analysis.
- Performance testing of electronics products.
- Designing of external & internal lightning protection systems as per the national/international standards.
- Any other relevant consultancy as per the request by the industry.

- The division carries out repairs of sophisticated electronic/electrical instruments and electronics test & measurement instruments.

Patent granted by National Intellectual Property office of Sri Lanka for “True Root Mean Square Voltage Recorder with Enhanced Memory”
Project Members
- J.P.D.S.Athuraliya
- L.N.Rathnayake
- P.Mahadevan
- N.A.A.N.Dilrukshi
- T.M.S.Dias
- C.D.Panamaldeniya
- S.R.J.S.Bandara
National Awards:
National Science and Technology Awards
Economical Digital Oscilloscope substituted for students under the category of development of viable substitutes for imports.
- D.Liyanage
- W.Thibbotumunna
- M.Benaragama
- J P D S Athuraliya, N L Rathnayake, N A A N Dilrukshi, P Mahadevan, R Gihara, T M S Dias, S R J S Bandara, H Wijesooriya, Nihal Kularatna, “Adaptation of scasa technique for surge protective devices for equatorial belt countries”, Annual Transactions of IESL, 2017.
- J P D S Athuraliya, N L Rathnayake, N A A N Dilrukshi, P Mahadevan, T M S Dias, S R J S Bandara, C D Panamaldeniya “ENHANCED TRUE RMS VOLTAGE RECORDER”; Annual Transactions of IESL, 2016.
- L.N. Rathnayake and T. Chandana Peiris: “Development of a Microcontroller Based Solar Smart Charge Controller for Solar Street Lamps”. World Renewable Energy Congress 2009-Asia (Bangkok, Thailand)
- J P D S Athuraliya, R P Thilakumara, I J Dayawansa;” High Data Rate Optical Soliton Communication Systems”; Annual Technical Conference of IET, 2008.
- K Ediriweera& J P D S Athuraliya: “Design of Data Display Boards with Wireless Control”; Annual Transactions of IESL, 2007.
- K Ediriweera, J P D S Athuraliya & RM Tilakeratne: “Voice Integrated Electronic Educational Toys”; Annual Transactions of IESL, 2006.
- J P D S Athuraliya, K Ediriweera, RM Tilakeratne, & M Benaragama: “Design and Development of a True RMS Voltage Recorder”; Annual Transactions of IESL, 2005.
- J P D S Athuraliya, K Ediriweera, S S Abeysinghe, M Benaragama & S S Namasivayam: “Design of an Infant Incubator Controller”; Annual Transactions of IESL, 2004.
- Nihal Kularatna and L.N. Rathnayake: “Implementation of DSP Algorithms for Sine wave Inverters”, PCIM’2001.
- I.M. De Silva, A.D.V.N. Kularatna, L.N. Rathnayake: “DSP Algorithms for Low Component Count Inverters”, Proceedings of EPF-PFMC 2000 International Conference, Slovak.
- I.M. De Silva, A.D.V.N. Kularatna, L.N. Rathnayaka: “DSP-Based Control Algorithms for Harmonic & RMS Output Control in Sine wave Inverters”, Proceeding of the Power Systems World 2000 Conference, USA.
- Nihal Kularatna, L.N. Rathnayake, D.I.M. De Silva: “DSP-Based System Produces Low Distortion sine waves for UPS Applications”, Feature Article, PCIM, August 2000.
Ms. Janaki Athuraliya – Director (Electronic Engineering)
BSc Eng.(Hons), University of Moratuwa
MSc, University of Moratuwa
C Eng, MIET (UK) and MIE(SL).
Research interests: Microcontroller based system designing and Surge protection systems.
Ms. Nirupa Rathnayaka – Senior Research Engineer
BSc Eng.University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. MSc ,University of Moratuwa.
Research interests:Power Electronics & Microcontroller based system designing.
Mr. S.K.Vijithananda-Senior Research Engineer
BSc Eng University of Moratuwa MSc, University of Moratuwa AM(IESL).
Research interests: Microcontroller based system designing and Electrical Installation
Mr.T.Chandana Peiris – Research Scientist
B.Sc.(2nd Upper) graduate from University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. He also holds a M.Tech.- Space Science from Andhra University, India and M.Sc.–Applied Electronics from University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Research interests: Power Electronics & Microcontroller based system designing.
Mr. M.A.N.Sanjeewa – Electronic Engineer
B.Sc.Eng. University of Ruhuna MPhil (reading), University of Ruhuna AMIE (SL) and ECSL.
Research interests: IoT system designing, Renewable energy systems and Surge protection systems.
Ms. V.Vijayavahini –Research Engineer
BTech (Hons) Eng in Electronic and Communication Engineering (The Open University of Sri Lanka)
Engineering Graduate Diploma in Electrical Engineering (IESLCE)
MSc in Industrial Automation (University of Moratuwa) (Award pending)., AMIE (SL), A Eng (ECSL), MIET (UK)
Research interests: Robotics and Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Power Electronics & Microcontroller based system designing
Mr.Thusitha Dias- Engineering Assistant
City & Guilds diploma electronics and electrical. NCT Homagama technical college. Over 20 years experience in hardware recovery of sophisticated instruments. Familiar in operating test and measuring instruments.
Mr. L.S.M. De Silva- Engineering Assistant
City & Guilds Advanced Diploma Electrical & Electronic Engineering. NCIT Electrical & Electronic Engineering. Studying BTech (Eng), Electronic & Communication Engineering At Open University of Sri Lanka.
Ms. S.P.R.Jayasinghe-Engineering Assistant
National Diploma in Engineering Sciences (NDES) ,Institute of Engineering Technology,Katunayake,Sri Lanka. Associate Member of IIESL.
Research interests: Electronics & Microcontroller based system designing.
Ms. B.D.G.Kaumadi - Management Assistant
Mr.N.D.N.Kumara - Lab Attendant

Douglas & Sons (Pvt.) Ltd

Kevilton Electrical Products

Brown & Company PLC

E B Creasy & Company

Yucon Lanka International

State Development & Construction Corporation

Power Wheels (Pvt.) Ltd

Independent Television Network

C.E.L.Lanka (Pvt.) Ltd

ACL Electric (Pvt.) Ltd

Sri Lanka Standards Institution

Polycrome Electrical Industries (Pvt) Ltd

Associated Battery Manufacturers (Ceylon) Ltd

Police Communication Division-Mirihana

Kelani Tyres PLC

Central Industries PLC

Ideal Wheels & Tyres (Pvt) Ltd

K.D.Imports (Pvt.) Ltd

Samson Rubber Industries Pvt Ltd

Toyota Lanka (Pvt.) Ltd

Micro Power Engineering (Pvt) Ltd

Nawaloka Petroleum (Pvt)Ltd
No | Equipment Name | Description ( general application / usage) | Main Specifications |
01 | Ultra compact simultor UCS500M6 | Testing of surge protection devices ans surge immunity testing | Testing for class III with 1.2/50 µs, 8/20 µs Combination wave |
02 | Fluke 435 three phase power quality analyzer | Power Quality Measurements | 3 phase, voltage upto 1000Vrms, current upto 400Arms |
03 | Yokogawa WT-500 single phase power quality analyzer | Power Quality Measurements | Current range: 0.5 to 40 A Voltage range: 15 to 1000 V Basic Power Accuracy: 0.1% frequency range: DC 0.5 Hz to 100 kHz |
04 | Agilent 4263B bench type LCR meter | Component evaluation | 0.1% basic accuracy, High-speed measurement: 25 ms, DC and six frequencies (100/120/1 k/10 k/20 k/100 kHz), Measurement parameters: Z, Y, Theta, R, X, G, B, C, L, D, Q, Rdc, N, M |
05 | NHR 4700lxi 6kw 1200A dc load | High-Current DC Electronic Load for Telecom Rectifier Testing, Battery Testing etc. | Power 6kW, Voltage range 1-120V, current 1200A |
06 | Keysight infinivision DSO – X 3034T, 4 channel digital storage 350MHz, 5GS oscilloscope | To analyse signals | 350 MHz, 4 analog channels, Max Memory Depth 4 Mpts, Max Sample Rate 5 GSa/s, ADC Bits 8 bits |
07 | Elind battery universal tester | Electrical testing of batteries including cycle test | Battery voltage 5/12V,Maximum discharge current 50A |
08 | Chroma 6415 1500VA programmable ac power sourc | To deliver pure, instrument grade AC power | Power 1200VA, voltage150V/300V,Current 15A/7.5A/Frequency 45-1000Hz |
09 | RCCB Testing facility | Testing of RCCBs, RCBOs, MCBs | Temperature Rise & Power Loss Test Bench (0.5A to 125A,Endurance Test ,28 Days Test Bench ,Impulse Test, Operating characteristics, Safety Test etc. |
10 | Eagle eye brand SG-1000C battery digital hydrometer / gravity meter | Measuring Gravity | Specific Gravity of Electrolyte 1.000 to 1.300 |
11 | Tracking Index Tester AUTO-LDA | Evaluate the resistance tracking performance of solid insulating material | Voltage 100~600V, Electrode pressure 1N |
12 | Secom GW glow wire tester | Fire hazard testing | Temperature 0~999 °C |
13 | Fluke 165-2 geo earth ground tester | Measure earth ground loop resistance | Interference voltage and frequency, earthing resistance 3- and 4-pole with/without clip-on current transformer, resistance 2-pole with AC, 2- and 4-pole with DC |
14 | Electrical Safety Analyzer (GPT -10000 Series) | Use to test AC withstanding (ACW),DC Withstanding (DCW), Insulation Resistance (IR) ,Gound Bond(GB) and Continuity (CONT) testing | ACW (max): 5kV AC, DCW(max): 6kVDC,IR(max): Input;50v- 1200v(50V steps),Output;50GΩ GB: 3A- 30A, CONT;100mA |
For information please contact | ||||||||
Janaki Athuraliya – Director (Electronic Engineering) | ||||||||
Telephone: 011 2651568 / 011 2650838 | ||||||||
Fax: 011-2650462 | ||||||||
Email: [email protected] |